Wednesday, December 29, 2021

My boys and some random feels!

Holding my finger, he sleeps in comfort
A warm hug, a cuddle, and his fragrance is real
The day was busy, the clutter in my room could tell 
His excitement is unmatchable, almost a ride to the moon. 

I check on his elder one in the next room
Tired after enjoying a zestful day with his little bro
He was smiling in his sleep, I stood there and noticed 
The boys took away the grey from this long gloomy day!

I watch them both in their beds, and say my prayers
Gratitude overwhelms me, joy fills my heart
Blessed are we, the beds are warm
The kids are dreaming, and there is hope.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

My Moon

I wait for him by my window,
Sometimes he doesn't come, plays elusive
And when I am not looking, he smiles

In the silence of those long, lonely nights,
I tell him all my stories
He listens, casting amorous glances

He likes to pose for me,
Stands tall right in my balcony,
Insists on a ‘close up’

He moves when he sees me crying
Draws closer, peeps in through the window too
I feel his warmth, sleep in solace 

Is it love, or mere fascination
I never ask myself
He shines for me, I smile, we exist!

Pain, Perseverance, and Pumpkin Latte

A night etched in my memory; one I will never forget. Their arms steadied me, lifting me from the bed. I instinctively locked mine around ...